Advance Technology used for domestic purpose. Now a day’s all building builds vertically and     horizontally. So, security guard is required compulsory because of new persons.

Some time guard is busy or absent in flat or office gate. So, Implement embedded system to perfect all people from new persons.

In our project, we have RFID system which is given to all flat members who live in that flat. All flat members have their own ID. So, they connect their ID to the system & verify it. After then that embedded system allow those persons who are authorized. So, gate will be open & they will come inside the flat from this gate.  

If any case of new & unauthorized person will come then the gate will not open. So, they will not enter in flat. If they want to meet the any member of this flat then they have to give some information to the system for security purpose. 

This system has IR transmitter and receiver which can count how many persons are entered at a time in main gate.

So, this is The Advance security system using embedded system with used of RFID Tag. And this system is very safe for security purpose & new in market.

Now a day’s main problem is security everywhere. We are going to make the system that can solve out that problem.

This project is about security system. Generally used in apartments, societies & also private firms several places. This project is combination of microcontroller & RFID modules.

In our project, we have RFID system which is given to all flat members who live in that flat. All flat members have their own ID. So, they connect their ID to the system & verify it. After then that embedded system which is controller. And that is connected with all the component of that system so when the unknown person will fill up their details through PS/2 keyboard after then this system can receive the detail and give it to the controller.

This controller will transmit the signal to the relay motor. This relay motor can operate. So, gate will be open & the person will come inside. If an any case unauthorized person wants to enter in main gat , then GSM modem can be helpful in asking for the permission to enter the gate.

We can also use IR sensor as a transmitter & receiver which is counter. This transmitter & receiver is detect when any person can enter in flat. So we can also count that how many persons are entered at a time in flat.  

