The  computer  has  already  gone  through a  dynamic revolution.  Thirty years ago,  computers   were  the   size of  a    room    and incredibly slow.  Few people probably would have imagined supercomputers that  can do over  a  trillion  calculations per  second.  Today, the  average person's desktop computer is more powerful than the fastest computers were 30 years ago.  The only way this can continue is if a new type of computer is developed.  This computer is known as a nano computer.

Nanotechnology is an exciting emerging science and technological field that is making a splash in 2002. Nanotechnology involves man’s ability to create and manipulate molecules structures to create potentially new materials, devices, machines or objects. A nanometre is a billionth of a metre, that is, about 1/80,000 of the diameter of a human hair, or 10 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom.

If you blew up a baseball to the size of the earth, the atoms of the baseball would be about the size of grapes. If you could take a ruler and measure 10 atoms side by side, you would have a nanometer. The World is on the brink of a technological revolution beyond any human experience. It has the potential to bring wealth, health and education to every person on the planet. And it will be able to do this without consuming natural resources or spewing pollution into the environment. Nanotechnology is about building things atom by atom, molecule by molecule.
The goal of nanotechnology is to build tiny devices called nanomachines. To build things on such a small scale, you have to be able to manipulate atoms individually.
The challenge of nanotechnology is to place atoms precisely where you wish on a structure.
Scientists can now construct natural proteins and even synthesize new ones with novel properties never seen in nature. With enough understanding, we may be able to turn proteins into microscopic tools to do the jobs we want.
In the future, Nanotechnology will let us take off the boxing gloves. We'll be able to snap together the fundamental building blocks of nature easily, inexpensively and in most of the ways permitted by the laws of physics.


1. Nano electronic computers
2. Nano mechanical computers
3. Nano chemical and biochemical computers
4. Nano Quantum computers                    


Proponents predict that nanotechnology will ignite the industrial revolution of the 21st century, the effects of which will have a greater impact on the world’s population than antibiotics, integrated circuits, and human-made polymers combined. Now that scientists have the tools and are developing the skills to manipulate nature’s building blocks, nanotech enthusiasts tout some mind-bending scenarios.


·       Self-assembling consumer goods
·       Computers billions of times faster
·       Extremely novel inventions (impossible today)
·       Safe and affordable space travel
·       Medical Nano... virtual end to illness, aging, death
·       No more pollution and automatic cleanup of already existing pollution
·       Molecular food syntheses... end of famine and starvation
·       Access to a superior education for every child on Earth
·       Reintroduction of many extinct plants and animals
·       Terra forming here and the Solar System
·       In a world of information, digital technologies have made copying fast, cheap , and perfect, quite independent of cost or complexity of the content. What if the same were to happen in the world of matter? The production cost of a ton of terabyte RAM chips would be about the same as the production cost of steel. Design costs would matter, production costs wouldn't.
·    By treating atoms as discrete, bit-like objects, molecular manufacturing will bring a digital revolution to the production of material objects. Working at the resolution limit of matter, it will enable the ultimate in miniaturization and performance. By starting with cheap, abundant components--molecules-and processing them with small, high-frequency, high-productivity machines, it will make products inexpensive. Design computers that each execute more instructions per second than all of the semiconductor CPUs in the world combined.

· Taking all of this into account, it is clear that Nanotechnology should improve our lives in any area that would benefit from the development of better, faster, stronger, smaller, and cheaper systems.

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