Microcontroller Based Mini Projects Ideas

Microcontrollers are small and economical computers developed with an intention of employing it in some precise tasks like- displaying temperature details in microwave’s LED, or receiving or sending data with the help of remote control. Microcontrollers are integrated in those objects which require controlling from user’s end. These mini projects are extremely vital for the electronics and electrical students during their course of engineering studies. So let us see some of the microcontroller based project ideas.

Microcontroller Based Mini Projects Ideas:

1.Automatic Bidirectional Visitor Counter Using 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51)

A visitor’s counter that can alter its position in any direction, just by controlling of an up down lever, this is called as an up–down counter. The visitor’s counter circuit can count up numbers from 9999 to 0 & visa-versa, both in up and down manners depending upon the position of the up-down lever. It can be brought into play to calculate the amount of cars entering a parking space in the upward mode at entry gate. In the downward mode, it can calculate the amount of cars leaving the parking area by decrementing the counting at departure gate. It can also be employed at gates of a party hall and other places of public like malls, etc.
This circuit of the visitors counter is classified in three major groups: Microcontroller, counter display & sensor. The sensor is employed to examine a disruption and supply an input to the microcontroller which will run the counting process either in up or down mode according to the up-down lever setting. The same calculation is exhibited on a pair of 7-segment display with the aid of a microcontroller.

2. 8 Candidate Quiz Buzzer Using 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51)

This system of quiz buzzer is extensively brought into play in colleges, schools and Television shows. The players who buzz the buzzer quickly are allowed to answer the question. Sometimes it turns extremely complex to make out which team of players has buzzed the buzzer soon; this situation arises when two group of players bang the buzzer within an exceptionally small gap of time. In this situation the verdict can be influenced owing to human interference. The quiz buzzer accessible here is employed to evade the above mentioned difficulty. This quiz buzzer hinders the input given by the other buzzer as soon as the initial buzzer is banged. This quiz buzzer can be brought into play for a maximum of 8 groups of players. It is developed by making use of a microcontroller (AT89C51) which is of 8051 family.

3. Microcontroller Based Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Using PWM Technique

The pace of the induction motor can be managed by a number of ways. The stator frequency control is one of easiest techniques to keep the pace of the Induction motor in control. The microcontroller based system for pace controlling can be employed in different domains like textile, cement or chemical industry to run the machine as per the speed required.
This is totally secured loop mechanism and the pace of the machine will be controlled involuntarily by employing of feed-back from machine in rpm terms, the inductive sensor’s magnet can be co-related with the microcontroller effortlessly and can sense rpm of the machine and provide it to the microcontroller in digital figure as a feed-back from induction motor.

4. Microcontroller Based Public Garden Automation

The chief trouble faced now-d-days are the misuse of electricity & water. At times, owing to negligence and at times it’s done deliberately. Our Garden Automation project aids to conquer all these issues. In this system the microcontroller installed starts automatically approx 4.00pm turns the water supply ON & keeps the supplying water for few hours. After some time the entrance gate is opened with the help of a motor driver administered by the Microcontroller. Approx 6.00pm the lights are turned ON depending on the output of the LDR and the lights stays glowing till the entrance gate is shut.
A buzzer is installed in the system which helps to alarm the public that the garden is about to close in few minutes. The entrance gate is closed by motor driver all lights are turned OFF except one, which will be glowing entire night. In the morning all lights will be turned OFF depending upon LDR output sent. These are the number of steps occupied in the functioning of the automated garden circuit. Microcontroller is employed to administer the functions of all other devices and to control the operations.

5. Microcontroller Based Data Logger

This project is a great blend of analog & digital electronics. This assignment is intended so as to accomplish the supplies of the industrial applications, domestic applications. This project comprise of parameters screening, parameter storing. PC incorporation is one of the key attributes of this project in which different data such as parameter values, time & date are supplied to the PC utilizing a hyper terminal.
Here we employed Microcontroller which is the heart of the project. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and EEPROM is also utilized majorly for the storing & displaying purpose. This project consists of 2 modules.
  • Data Monitoring
  • Data Storage
LCD will exhibit the parameter values. The next module is known as parameter storage. It can be employed to amass in the memory the parameter values. To store values we are using EEPROM memory IC. Later we can see these values by using a keypad. This system is very helpful as at times it’s tricky to calculate the parameter values physically and also this provides accurate results.

6. Master Slave Communication

Master slave communication project screens and manages the different parameters employing the RS-232 practice. Three slave micro-controllers are connected with a Master micro controller. This system is a multiple slave yet solo master communication transmitting system that is appropriate for systems where data stored are in form of short messages and & required to be retrieved at several locations concurrently. As messages are transmitted to all the points in the system, this project is particularly suitable to systems where uniformity in the messages received at all the points is required. In this situation, all points are informed of the refusal; guaranteeing the data uniformity all across the system. Messages sent all points nodes, act to the message when “message identifiers” indicates to act. Though, all Points contribute in signifying whether the message sent was correct or not, thereby raising the bus reliability.

7. Alcohol Detection with Vehicle Controlling

A number of road accidents are happening owing to alcohol drunk drivers. Therefore Alcohol Car detection project is intended for the security of the public in & out of the car. This alcohol detector is in the car. The main element in the project is Alcohol sensor. If the car driver is drunk then it is sensed by the sensor. Comparator IC receives signal from the Alcohol detector. The output from comparator is transferred to micro-controller. Micro-controller the heart of this circuit gives elevated pulse to the buzzer and then the buzzer is switched ON. At similar time relay is switched OFF. Cause of this ignition the car is disabled.

8. Interfacing GSM Module with 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51) without Using PC

This project shows a technique to interface GSM module with micro-controller (AT89C51) without using computer to transfer AT orders to the unit. In this project the microcontroller transfer a set AT order to the GSM or GPRS unit. The order sent & response along with result codes retrieved is displayed on LCD. This eradicates the function of the computer and just microcontroller is required.
The AT commands are sent to verify the communiqué with the unit. A result code “OK” is received if the unit & microcontroller are associated appropriately. If any unit or SIM are not functioning, result code “ERROR” is displayed.

9. Digital Dice Using 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51)

Here we are demonstrating a project to create an electronic digital dice with the aid of a 7 segment microcontroller of 8051 family. The digital dice circuit can be alienated into 2 parts:-
  • The microcontroller unit – it encloses a micro-controller circuit
  • The seven segment unit – this unit encloses a 7 segment circuit which is connected to the microcontroller
This circuit of this project exhibits the figures from 1 to 6 constantly and it stops at the place where user requires and restarts again from the similar place with the subsequent user instruction.

10. Distance Measurement Using Infrared Sensor with ADC0804 & 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51)

Infrared sensors are used in various electronic devices. It is commonly employed as hurdle detector; its output is in analog form & is converted by using comparator.  This project portrays a method to employ the sensor’s results in its usual analog type. Therefore, together with sensing the hurdle, exact remoteness can also be measured. This is attained by sending the IR sensor output through an analog-digital converter (ADC0804). The ADC is attuned to obtain approximately exact remoteness measurement. The distance measured is showcased on the LCD. The ADC and LCD are connected with microcontroller (AT89C51) of 8051 family. This distance measurement project majorly comprise of 3 units:
  • A sensor module
  • ADC component module
  • The LCD module
A microcontroller based mini project is nothing but a kind of representation project before submitting the final project. For any electronic or electric engineering student this mini project plays a vital role because this mini project shows the innovation & thinking capacity of the student. Any mini project is judged on the bases of innovation, designing power, creating & executing capacity.

